Oak Grove offers services to students on the autism spectrum focusing on a combination of academic, social, and vocational skills. Oak Grove offers aWASC-accredited academic program drawing on materials correlated with the student’s local school district and directly tied to student IEP goals and objectives. Our program focuses on individual program protocols developed based on comprehensive assessment data.
Program services available to students with autism include:
- The Director of Education holds a Master’s degree in Special Education and has 16 years of experience working with children with varying abilities/needs including autism in non-public school and residential care settings
- Fully credentialed teachers with autism certification
- Comprehensive academic instruction based on individualized assessment and state-certified curriculum
- Licensed clinical therapists to provide therapy as needed
- Speech, Occupational Therapy, and Behavior Intervention as needed
- Certified BCBA providing ABA program development, implementation, and ongoing staff development / supervision
- Behavior Intervention Case Managers (BICM) on staff
- All classroom staff fully trained (ProAct, classroom management) to work with designated population
- WorkAbility, for students meeting age, grade, and academic requirements
- Integration into regular on-campus classrooms and activities as recommended
- Mainstreaming to public school campus as recommended
- Behavior intervention and transition programming
- Field trips and community service options
Oak Grove’s programs provide services to students with autism from the elementary school level through high school to age 22.