Oak Grove Center believes in the power of recovery, along with making amends in relationships and taking responsibility. We work with our clients to examine the underlying issues leading to substance abuse and provide individual help to begin the healing process. Our goal is to design an addiction treatment plan and personalized relapse prevention that is tailored to the specific needs and “triggers” for potential relapse of each individual. We determine each client’s current stage of recovery and establish a recovery plan to identify and manage the relapse warning signs unique to the individual. The goal is to not only learn the triggers for relapse but to build a healthy lifestyle balanced with strengths, friendships and positive connections with family and others.

Services are provided by Certified Drug & Alcohol Counselors in coordination with Licensed Mental Health Therapists. Recovery/Relapse Prevention is offered in addition to the mental health services all residents receive and includes the following:

  • Chemical Dependency Evaluation
  • Mental Health Assessment
  • Relapse Prevention
  • Dealing with Signs and Symptoms
  • 12 Step Groups & Workshops including: NA, AA, Alanon, Alateen both on and off grounds
  • Identifying and Dealing with Relapse Triggers
  • Multi-Family Groups
  • Parenting Workshops
  • Individual & Family Therapy Sessions
  • Didactic Groups
  • Residents are provided with structured work shops and one–on–one sessions with drug and alcohol counselors to assist them with developing early recovery skills and creating an individualized Relapse Prevention Plan.
  • Residents are introduced to a comprehensive curriculum that provides basic educational information pertaining to the psychological and physiological effects of substance abuse.
  • Residents learn about the benefits and challenges of 12 step programs as well as learning to explore alternatives to 12 step meetings ( such as mutual help groups) , including how to access meetings in their local areas.
  • Residents learn about the important role that trust plays in recovery and how they can begin to repair damaged relationships.
  • We work with residents who can become leaders and role models for their peers.


Both day and residential students 14 years of age or older are eligible to participate in vocational education and job placement through our WorkAbility grant. The program is monitored by a full-time coordinator and one full-time staff assigned to develop partnerships with community-based businesses and facilitate the transition and placement process.

All students are initially required to work on-grounds while developing basic job skills (keeping a schedule, completing a time sheet, banking and money management, job searching, and resume completion) and working to meet their individual treatment requirements and maintain appropriate behavior. On-grounds jobs include maintenance, food service, housekeeping, administrative assistance, vehicle cleanliness, and tutoring / mentoring of other students. When deemed appropriate by the Treatment Team, a student may transition to an off-grounds job site, with wages paid as a pass-through to the employer by our grant for a specified number of hours. When these hours have been exhausted, the student is eligible for hire directly by the employer.


Why Try was created “to provide simple, hands on solutions for helping youth overcome life’s challenges”. It uses a “multi-sensory approach based on a set of visual analogies (pictures), to teach youth in a way that accommodates their learning styles, and gives them insight into how to deal with the daily challenges they face”. The “visual analogies are then combined with positive music and hands-on experiential activities” to make the whole learning experience quite unique and highly successful. The program uses activities in music, drama, poetry and arts and crafts. It teaches the skills needed for participants to create better opportunities for themselves as well as learning positive defense mechanisms and effective anger management strategies. The participants learn to see themselves as survivors rather that victims, as empowered rather than defeated, and most importantly as having hope. Residents are able to answer the question “Why Try?” with the response “for opportunity, freedom and self-respect.” This curriculum has been a very positive addition to our program.

The program is quite extensive. You may learn more about “Why Try” by going to the website.